ryujin 2.1.1 revision 9391072059490dd712e0ea92785f21acd6605f00
Classes | Functions


class  ryujin::SynchronizationDispatch
class  ryujin::Scope


template<int dim>
void ryujin::Checkpointing::load_mesh (Discretization< dim > &discretization, const std::string &base_name)
template<int dim, typename Number , int n_comp, int simd_length>
void ryujin::Checkpointing::load_state_vector (const OfflineData< dim, Number > &offline_data, const std::string &base_name, Vectors::MultiComponentVector< Number, n_comp, simd_length > &U, Number &t, unsigned int &output_cycle, const MPI_Comm &mpi_communicator)
template<int dim, typename Number , int n_comp, int simd_length>
void ryujin::Checkpointing::write_checkpoint (const OfflineData< dim, Number > &offline_data, const std::string &base_name, const Vectors::MultiComponentVector< Number, n_comp, simd_length > &U, const Number t, const unsigned int output_cycle, const MPI_Comm &mpi_communicator)
template<int dim, typename Number , typename Callable >
ToFunction< dim, Number, Callable > ryujin::to_function (const Callable &callable, const unsigned int k)

Various convenience functions and macros

#define AssertThrowSIMD(variable, condition, exception)
#define ACCESSOR_READ_ONLY(member)
#define ACCESSOR(member)
#define ASM_LABEL(label)   asm("#" label);

OpenMP parallel for macros

Intended use:

// serial work
// per thread work and thread-local storage declarations
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size_internal; i += simd_length) {
// parallel for loop that is statically distributed on all available
// worker threads by slicing the interval [0,size_internal)
Definition: openmp.h:54
Definition: openmp.h:70
Definition: openmp.h:63
#define RYUJIN_PRAGMA(x)   _Pragma(#x)
#define RYUJIN_OMP_FOR_NOWAIT   RYUJIN_PRAGMA(omp for nowait)
#define RYUJIN_LIKELY(x)   (__builtin_expect(!!(x), 1))
#define RYUJIN_UNLIKELY(x)   (__builtin_expect(!!(x), 0))

Detailed Description

Miscellaneous helper functions, macros and classes.

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ AssertThrowSIMD

#define AssertThrowSIMD (   variable,
if constexpr (std::is_same< \
typename std::remove_const<decltype(variable)>::type, \
double>::value || \
std::is_same< \
typename std::remove_const<decltype(variable)>::type, \
float>::value) { \
AssertThrow(condition(variable), exception); \
} else { \
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < decltype(variable)::size(); ++k) { \
AssertThrow(condition((variable)[k]), exception); \
} \

Mixed serial/SIMD variant of the dealii AssertThrow macro. If variable is just a plain double or float, then this macro defaults to a simple call to dealii::AssertThrow(condition(variable), exception). Otherwise (if decltype(variable) has a subscript operator operator[], the dealii::AssertThrow macro is expanded for all components of the variable.

Definition at line 120 of file convenience_macros.h.


#define ACCESSOR_READ_ONLY (   member)
inline auto &member() const \
{ \
return dereference(member##_); \

A convenience macro that automatically writes out an accessor (or getter) function:

const Foo& bar() const { return bar_; }


const Foo& bar() const { return *bar_; }

depending on whether bar_ can be dereferenced, or not.

Definition at line 186 of file convenience_macros.h.


#define ACCESSOR (   member)
inline auto &member() \
{ \
return dereference(member##_); \

Variant of the macro above that returns a mutable reference.

Definition at line 198 of file convenience_macros.h.


inline const auto &member() const \
{ \
return member##_; \

Variant of the macro above that does not attempt to dereference the underlying object.

Definition at line 211 of file convenience_macros.h.


#define ASM_LABEL (   label)    asm("#" label);

Injects a label into the generated assembly.

Definition at line 223 of file convenience_macros.h.


#define RYUJIN_PRAGMA (   x)    _Pragma(#x)

Macro expanding to a #pragma directive that can be used in other preprocessor macro definitions.

Definition at line 47 of file openmp.h.


RYUJIN_PRAGMA(omp parallel default(shared)) \
#define RYUJIN_PRAGMA(x)
Definition: openmp.h:47

Begin an openmp parallel region.

Definition at line 54 of file openmp.h.



End an openmp parallel region.

Definition at line 63 of file openmp.h.



Enter a parallel for loop.

Definition at line 70 of file openmp.h.


#define RYUJIN_OMP_FOR_NOWAIT   RYUJIN_PRAGMA(omp for nowait)

Enter a parallel for loop with "nowait" declaration, i.e., the end of the for loop does not include an implicit thread synchronization barrier.

Definition at line 79 of file openmp.h.



Declare an explicit Thread synchronization barrier.

Definition at line 86 of file openmp.h.



Annotate a critical section that has to be accessed sequentially.

Definition at line 93 of file openmp.h.



Annotate a section that has to be executed on one thread only.

Definition at line 100 of file openmp.h.


#define RYUJIN_LIKELY (   x)    (__builtin_expect(!!(x), 1))

Compiler hint annotating a boolean to be likely true.

Intended use:

if (RYUJIN_LIKELY(thread_ready == true)) {
// likely branch
#define RYUJIN_LIKELY(x)
Definition: openmp.h:116
The performance penalty of incorrectly marking a condition as likely is severe. Use only if the condition is almost always true.

Definition at line 116 of file openmp.h.


#define RYUJIN_UNLIKELY (   x)    (__builtin_expect(!!(x), 0))

Compiler hint annotating a boolean expression to be likely false.

Intended use:

if (RYUJIN_UNLIKELY(thread_ready == false)) {
// unlikely branch
Definition: openmp.h:132
The performance penalty of incorrectly marking a condition as unlikely is severe. Use only if the condition is almost always false.

Definition at line 132 of file openmp.h.

Function Documentation

◆ load_mesh()

template<int dim>
void ryujin::Checkpointing::load_mesh ( Discretization< dim > &  discretization,
const std::string &  base_name 

Performs a resume operation. Given a base_name the function tries to locate correponding checkpoint files and will read in the saved mesh and reinitializes the Discretization object.

Definition at line 39 of file checkpointing.h.

References ryujin::Discretization< dim >::prepare(), and ryujin::Discretization< dim >::triangulation().

Referenced by ryujin::TimeLoop< Description, dim, Number >::run().

◆ load_state_vector()

template<int dim, typename Number , int n_comp, int simd_length>
void ryujin::Checkpointing::load_state_vector ( const OfflineData< dim, Number > &  offline_data,
const std::string &  base_name,
Vectors::MultiComponentVector< Number, n_comp, simd_length > &  U,
Number &  t,
unsigned int &  output_cycle,
const MPI_Comm &  mpi_communicator 

Performs a resume operation. Given a base_name the function tries to locate correponding checkpoint files and will read in the saved state U at saved time t with saved output cycle output_cycle.

Definition at line 61 of file checkpointing.h.

References ryujin::OfflineData< dim, Number >::dof_handler(), ryujin::Vectors::MultiComponentVector< Number, n_comp, simd_length >::insert_component(), and ryujin::OfflineData< dim, Number >::scalar_partitioner().

Referenced by ryujin::TimeLoop< Description, dim, Number >::run().

◆ write_checkpoint()

template<int dim, typename Number , int n_comp, int simd_length>
void ryujin::Checkpointing::write_checkpoint ( const OfflineData< dim, Number > &  offline_data,
const std::string &  base_name,
const Vectors::MultiComponentVector< Number, n_comp, simd_length > &  U,
const Number  t,
const unsigned int  output_cycle,
const MPI_Comm &  mpi_communicator 

Writes out a checkpoint to disk. Given a base_name and a current state U at time t and output cycle output_cycle the function writes out the state to disk using boost::archive for serialization.

Some day, we should refactor this into a class and do something smarter...

Definition at line 145 of file checkpointing.h.

References ryujin::OfflineData< dim, Number >::discretization(), ryujin::OfflineData< dim, Number >::dof_handler(), ryujin::Vectors::MultiComponentVector< Number, n_comp, simd_length >::extract_component(), and ryujin::OfflineData< dim, Number >::scalar_partitioner().

Referenced by ryujin::TimeLoop< Description, dim, Number >::output().

◆ to_function()

template<int dim, typename Number , typename Callable >
ToFunction< dim, Number, Callable > ryujin::to_function ( const Callable &  callable,
const unsigned int  k 

Convenience wrapper that creates a (scalar) dealii::Function object out of a (fairly general) callable object returning array-like values. An example usage is given by the interpolation of initial values performed in InitialValues::interpolate_hyperbolic_vector() and InitialValues::interpolate_initial_precomputed_vector()

for(unsigned int i = 0; i < problem_dimension; ++i)
to_function<dim, Number>(callable, i),
callableA callable object that provides an operator(const Point<dim> &) and returns an array or rank-1 tensor. More precisely, the return type must have a subscript operator operator[].
kIndex describing the component that is returned by the function object.

Definition at line 69 of file convenience_macros.h.